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Corvallis Odd Fellows ~ Barnum Lodge #7 ~ Est. February 23, 1858
The Odd Fellows is a fraternal and charitable non-profit organization that admits both men and women. The Lodge engages in a variety of activities in the service to the Corvallis community. The Lodge and its members support various charitable and non-profit organizations such as the Jackson Street Youth Shelter, the South Corvallis Food Bank, Doctors without Borders, Amnesty International and many others.
Barnum Lodge No. 7 was chartered on February 23, 1858. Corvallis's Odd Fellows Lodge was named for Eli M. Barnum, an energetic officer of the new Grand Lodge of Oregon. Please visit the link in the left column to learn more about the history of the Odd Fellows and the Corvallis lodge.
If you are interested in renting our facility, please call the number below. The south Ballroom is host to a variety of dance classes that are open to the public. The Odd Fellows is proud to be a premier event location in Corvallis, for classes, dance events, and special occasions!
Business Office Contact Info
Chelsea Henson
Business Manager: Building and rental information (541) 752-3023
Email: corvallisoddfellows@comcast.net
For location information or if you have further questions please go to contact us.